Tag Archives: joint

My Hip Bone’s Connected by my….


Synovial Joints!!!  The bones in these joints do not touch, so they can move freely against each other.  The cavity between these bones is filled with dense, irregular connective tissue (ligaments), membranes that release fluid (synovial) and tendons.  They are the:

1. Hip Joint- a ball and socket joint that allows twisting and turning movement. The ball of the thigh bone’s head fits tightly into a deep socket in the hip bone. Cartilage lining the socket helps grip the femur firmly; and the ligament binding the two bones is among the strongest in the human body.

2. Knee Joint- a hinge joint (the simplest type) and the body’s largest joint. All hinge joints bend and straighten in one direction; but the knee is special because it can swivel, and turn from side to side. It connects your thigh to your leg.

3. Ankle Joint- a hinge joint that connects the leg and the foot. It bends and straightens in one direction.

4. Foot Joints- gliding joints that allow two flat bones to slide over each other for a wide range of mostly sideways movements.

Your joints are critical to your mobility, and exercise is the most effective way to keep them in shape!

Do you have joint pain? Where and what are you doing about it?

If you want to dig deeper into your lower body joints, you can read more technical information on this site  http://home.comcast.net/~wnor/lljoints.htm