Tag Archives: fitness

Chemical Addictions


Cheese, meat, chocolate, and sugar are addictive foods foods containing chemical compounds that stimulate the brain’s secretion of opiate-like, “feel-good” chemicals like dopamine, which drive our cravings for them.  A large percentage of the population is vulnerable to the effects of this hyperstimulation [from foods that trigger dopamine production]; and gets caught up in an addictive cycle.  Companies also use persuasive ads and alluring packaging to keep their products tumbling into our shopping carts.

is there any thing you eat or drink that you’re addicted to? Can’t live without?

A great article for some more details on food addiction:



Sexy Shoulders


Your deltoids are your own personal cap sleeves lol. It’s a smaller muscle so you don’t need alot of weight to develop or strengthen it.  5-10lb weights usually target this specific area very well.

Your trapezius runs the length of your neck, and when you feel tension along your neck into your upper back it is these muscles that are aching.  A key element in keeping this muscle in shape is simply holding yourself upright. Constantly leaning forward or hunching over, not only looks bad but keeps the muscle tight and crunched.

Excuses that Disable You!


“I was hungry so I had a soda”

So you further dehydrated yourself and still didn’t have any fuel….. think about it.

“I didn’t have time so I skipped a meal”

Point blank- you have to make time to fuel up. Whatever you’re doing that is so important will not be done expertly, if you are not at your best. Stop, sit and eat!

“I’ll just take some diet pills for a short while to lose weight, then I’ll get healthy”

Do not jeopardize your long term health goals for momentary gains. It may seem like a quick fix to a temporary problem but fat loss is about discipline and self control; not shortcuts.

“I don’t have time to workout”

Do you have time to got to the doctor? Do you have time to lay in bed sick? Do you have time to be stressed out? When you do not make exercise a priority, you make toxic overload inevitable and your body will slowly but surely shut down.

“That’s too expensive”

You will spend money on your health. It’s only a matter of where- either you spend it buying good quality food, on a gym membership or a home workout routine OR at the doctor’s office in co-payments, prescriptions or surgeries. You decide.

Supplement Horror


Common Negative Impacts of Weight Loss Supplements

1. Seizures, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, hair loss, nervousness, high blood pressure and many more.

2. Common pill ingredients ephedrine and phentermine have harmful side effects. Prolonged use of Phentermine is known to cause blurred vision, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting etc. Ephedrine can cause heart attacks, seizures, sleeplessness and nervousness.

3. The clinical studies are minimal and limited, and consumers get to be the subjects of “specialized medical exams”. Do you really want to be a guinea pig?

A Deeper Look Into the Thigh Muscles


The power of your thighs cannot be underestimated. We noted in the last article that the thigh is one of the biggest muscles on your body; and for shape, definition and strength- you should definitely pay attention!

The kettle-bell style exercises we are doing to target your full body get their effectiveness from your thighs and how you engage them.

The Squeeze at the top of the movement is very important to get the glutes even more involved!

Get your MacroNutrients on!


Carbohydrates- Critical for Energy

Best sources-

  • Whole grains
  • Beans, Legumes
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Fruits
Worst sources-
  • Soda
  • White anything- rice, bread, and pasta (Bleached really does mean bleached. The same offensive smelling chemical used to whiten clothes is used to bleach food)
  • Potatoes (act more like simple carbs in the body)
  • Pastries and desserts, candy AKA Sugar
  • Artificial syrups
  • Enriched/Refined anything
Proteins- Essential for Muscle Growth, Repair & Maintenance
Best sources
  • Fish- salmon, tuna, sardines
  • White meat poultry- turkey & chicken breast, pork
  • Beef- lean
  • Beans, peas
  • Eggs
  • Milk (I prefer non-animal types)/Yogurt
  • Quinoa (a grain that can be used instead of rice)
  • Almonds and almond butter
  • Whey
Worst sources-
  • Luncheon meats
  • Whole milk
  • Ground beef
  • Ham, bacon, pork chops
Fats- Help nutrient absorption, nerve transmission, cell membranes, keep skin soft, great source of energizing fuel.
Best sources-
  • Nuts- peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews
  • Avocado
  • Oils- canola, olive, peanut, fish, corn, soy, safflower and sunflower
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Olives, avocados
  • Seeds- sesame, pumpkin
Worst sources-
  • Invented Trans fats found in many commercially packaged and fried foods; Packaged snacks- microwaved popcorn; Vegetable shortening.
  • Saturated fats
This is general list of the macro-nutrient sources.  If you have medical issues, however, pay attention to them and research what is best within these categories for you.  Thyroid issues, for e.g are exacerbated by canola oil; so even though it’s a good fat source, it’s not appropriate for someone with thyroid problems. 
Know Your Body! Own Your Health!

Know the Signs


The water you take in is lost through sweat, using the bathroom and breathing. On a cold day, that puff of smoke through your mouth is water leaving your body. Neat eh! Examine what symptoms you feel throughout the day, and first have some water to address it.

Mild Dehydration- up to 2%

loss of appetite

dry/flushed skin

dark urine

dry mouth, lips or eyes




urinating less than 3 times a day

3-5% Dehydration

You start to lose strength and stamina.  Your kidneys get into the game, and your heart rate increases to maintain blood pressure and blood flow.

5% Dehydration

You’re in the hospital!! Let’s not get to that point 🙂

Some of your biggest dehydrators- herbal teas, caffeine and alcohol. Avoid as much as possible OR Be very diligent about hydrating your body after you indulge.

Follow your morning cup of tea or coffee- with at least 3 glasses of water until lunch time.

After a night of feteing, drink at least 1 full glass of water before you go to bed, and first thing in the morning.

Depending on what your body needs, the time frame for re-hydration varies; but light yellow or clear urine every 3-5 hours is the signal that you’re in good form!