Tag Archives: biceps

Excuses that Disable You!


“I was hungry so I had a soda”

So you further dehydrated yourself and still didn’t have any fuel….. think about it.

“I didn’t have time so I skipped a meal”

Point blank- you have to make time to fuel up. Whatever you’re doing that is so important will not be done expertly, if you are not at your best. Stop, sit and eat!

“I’ll just take some diet pills for a short while to lose weight, then I’ll get healthy”

Do not jeopardize your long term health goals for momentary gains. It may seem like a quick fix to a temporary problem but fat loss is about discipline and self control; not shortcuts.

“I don’t have time to workout”

Do you have time to got to the doctor? Do you have time to lay in bed sick? Do you have time to be stressed out? When you do not make exercise a priority, you make toxic overload inevitable and your body will slowly but surely shut down.

“That’s too expensive”

You will spend money on your health. It’s only a matter of where- either you spend it buying good quality food, on a gym membership or a home workout routine OR at the doctor’s office in co-payments, prescriptions or surgeries. You decide.